Intellectual Property, Name, Domains, links, Content, Image & Likeness Rights disclaimer 

(Disclaimer agreement & acknowledgement by use, engagement or contact with InstaCab directly or indirectly through a third party or third party by 6 degrees of separation regardless of mode or medium, contact or engagement with its founder, subsidiaries or any site related to InstaCab, business units or business activities of any kind related to InstaCab,, conducted by it’s founder or subsidiaries, including but not limited to , Research & development, software, technology or information technology of any kind, formulas, metadata, data of any kind, code, scripts, artificial intelligence, Investments or real estate, or through any form of contact or communication at any point in time, regardless of medium, in the past or future without regard for dates, location, granted licenses, business standing, registered business name status or jurisdiction)

All Business methods, concepts, ideation, application code, script, platform , advertising, marketing materials, modus operandi, patents, branding, marketing language, Including all texts , colors, color schemes, sayings, appearances, imagery, content, messaging, stories, story ads in the realm of or similar, or synonymous or “another way of sayings”, copyrights, trademarks, & service marks belong to InstaCab, its owner, founder, subsidiaries & heirs. By coming into contact, or by engaging with InstaCab in any way shape or form, directly by you, or any entity or third party on your behalf, or third party by 6 degrees of separation, you agree, and adhere to the following disclaimers, terms & provisions. These terms & provisions are as follows and apply in retrospect without regard for locations, jurisdictions, dates of contact or engagement till perpetuity. 

If you have been involved with InstaCab, it’s subsidiaries, affiliated sites, platforms, products , links, forums, web search, App Store search, email, text, affiliates, founder, employee, heirs, protected contractors, interns, partners or owner, in anyway, shape or form, on purpose or not, directly, through a third party, or via a third party by 6 degrees of separation through a web link (all web links & all internet sites), App Store search (all app stores), through a search engine (all search engines present or future) or social media links ( All current and future social media platforms) or a third party by 6 degrees of separation, through any form of contact or communication regardless of medium, you vow and consent to adhere and not to , breach , violate or deviate from the following provisions & terms:

1)You vow not to Replicate, impersonate, or misrepresent (all forms of replicas, all forms of impersonations, all forms of misrepresentation) , or produce , or place in production, anything similar to InstaCab, wether it be a web platform, site or any working app similar in any form, to InstaCab,  its subsidiaries, or site, or affiliate sites. You vow not impersonate, replicate or place into production an app or site similar to InstaCab (not limited to in appearance or functionality) or with business methods, concepts, ideations, application code, script, platform , promotional materials, marketing materials, modus operandi, patents, branding, marketing language, Including all texts, colors, sayings, appearances, imagery, content, messaging, stories, or story ads in the realm of or similar, or synonymous or “another way of sayings”, or copyrights, trademarks, & or service marks similar in appearance or functionality to that of InstaCab, it’s site or affiliate sites. 

2)You acknowledge, consent to & agree to full liability of damages against you or any entity on your behalf, set at a minimum of $1 billion annually in liquid cash till perpetuity + any other amount enforceable by InstaCab, its owner, founder or heirs, at a date and schedule set forth by InstaCab, its founder, its owners, subsidiaries and or heirs superseding what any court, jurisdiction or jury will consider appropriate, If violations of the terms, disclaimers and provisions in 1) occur. Again, enforcement of liability damages also apply in retrospect regardless of dates, or locations of the breach or violation of the terms, disclaimers & provisions in 1) 

3)By coming into contact or engaging with InstaCab, its owners, affiliates, sites, or platform via App Store search, third party, or third party by 6 degrees of separation, publication, search engine discovery, via a link, forum, job board, employment agency, any website in general or contact via InstaCab’s founders or heirs, you forfeit any right to a lawsuit, countersuit or publication of any form or medium, directly from you or on your behalf by any entity, or organization of any form, may it be a law firm, bankruptcy agent, social, political or government organization, or any kind of court or jury from any jurisdiction or location at any time till perpetuity or be in violation of the terms, disclaimers & provisions of 1). 

These terms and provisions apply in retrospect without regard for dates, jurisdictions, location or authority till perpetuity. All violations or deviations of these terms and provisions will be subject to thorough forensic investigations including but not limited to computer and network deep dives which will cover a plethora of methods and thoroughness as determined appropriate by InstaCab, it’s founder, or subsidiaries, superseding what any court, jury, or jurisdiction’s determination of what will be considered appropriate or allowed. By coming into contact with InstaCab, its founder, subsidiaries, via any medium or form, regardless of location, dates or jurisdiction, you agree, consent, and attest to the ramifications of the violations or deviation from said terms and provisions.

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