*For damages, content, product, service, behaviors, statements, views, political affiliations or actions of a third party, or third party by 6 degrees of separation, employee, contractor, partner , or user(s), work for hires, influencers, social media representatives, social media non-users, any web platform, forum or email non-users, affiliated networks, non-affiliated networks or platforms, affiliates, marketers, or affiliate representation.
As a rider, driver, employee, contractor, consultant, partner (s) or anyone involved or engaged with our company in any working, (or non-working) or business capacity, You agree and attests that by engaging in business, or contact of any form with our company, communicating in person or over a network, on purpose or not , directly or indirectly through a third party, or third party by 6 degrees of separation, or any known or unknown communication medium, engaging with our content, using our applications, site or platforms or by engaging in contact with our company in any way, shape or form, you agree & consent that
1)InstaCab, its owners, designated subsidiaries, affiliates and or heirs will NEVER be liable for any damages, negative ramifications, offense, either personal, financial, physical or mental, social or political, resulting from the content, product, service, behaviors, statements, views, political affiliations or actions of a third party, employee, contractor, partner, user(s), work for hires, influencers, social media representatives, networks, affiliates, marketers, or affiliate representative at any point in time, regardless of location or category till perpetuity. In all cases InstaCab, our company, its subsidiaries, its owners, its heirs, and protected individuals liability will remain zero ($) till perpetuity.
2)You agree that any attempt to bring about a lawsuit, countersuit, single or class or publication of any kind on your behalf by any entity, third party or third party by 6 degrees of separation, law firm, bankruptcy firm, agency, or organization whether social or political will be a violation of the terms of our TERMS OF SERVICE, CONTACT & ENGAGEMENT AGREEMENT & this NON-LIABILITY & LIABILITY LIMITATIONS DISCLAIMER which will result in the full execution of the provisions and terms of the breach of our TERMS OF SERVICE, CONTACT & ENGAGEMENT, as well as this NON-LIABILITY & LIABILITY LIMITATIONS DISCLAIME enforceable by our company its owners, legal team, power of attorney, and or heirs, against you or any entity in violation on your behalf including any third party(s), individuals, organizations or related entities of third parties by 6 degrees of separation with your/their total liability to InstaCab/our company/its subsidiaries, owners, founders and heirs set to be at a minimum of $1 billion annually in liquid cash till perpetuity, plus any other amount determined appropriate by InstaCab/our company its owners, successors, heirs, or subsidiaries till perpetuity, at a payment date or schedule set by our company’s owners or heirs superseding what any court or jury will describe or consider as appropriate liability till perpetuity regardless of location, authority, or jurisdiction.
Non liability , liability limitation for insinuations, assumptions, perceptions, misrepresentations, misconceptions, of content, business methods, day to day operations, financial activities, or insurance activities.
As a rider, driver, employee, contractor, consultant, partner (s) or anyone involved or engaged with our company in any working, (or non-working) or business capacity, You agree and attests that by engaging in business, or contact of any form with our company, communicating in person or over a network, through a link or an Ad, on purpose or not , directly or indirectly through a third party, or third party by 6 degrees of separation, or any known or unknown communication medium, engaging with our content, using our applications, site or platforms or by engaging in contact with our company in any way, shape or form, you agree & consent that
1)InstaCab, its owners, designated subsidiaries, affiliates and or heirs will NEVER be liable for any damages, negative ramifications, offense, either personal, financial, physical or mental, social or political, resulting from your insinuations, assumptions, perceptions, misconceptions, or misrepresentation of content , business methods, day & day operational procedures, financial activities or insurance activities at any point in time, regardless of location or category till perpetuity. In all cases InstaCab, our company, its subsidiaries, its owners, & its heirs liability will remain zero ($) till perpetuity.
2)You agree & consent that any attempt to bring about a lawsuit, countersuit, single or class or publication of any kind on your behalf by any entity, third party or third party by 6 degrees of separation, law firm, bankruptcy firm, agency, or organization whether social or political or government will be a violation of the terms of our TERMS OF SERVICE, CONTACT & ENGAGEMENT AGREEMENT as well our NON-LIABILITY & LIABILITY LIMITATIONS DISCLAIMER FOR INSINUATIONS, ASSUMPTIONS & PERCEPTIONS which results in the full execution of the provisions and terms of the breach of our TERMS OF SERVICE, CONTACT & ENGAGEMENT as well as our NON-LIABILITY & LIABILITY LIMITATIONS DISCLAIMER FOR INSINUATIONS, ASSUMPTIONS & PERCEPTIONS enforceable by our company its owners, founders, legal team, power of attorney, and or heirs, against you or any entity in violation on your behalf including any third party(s), individuals, organizations or related entities of third parties by 6 degrees of separation with your/their total liability to InstaCab/our company/its subsidiaries, owners and heirs set to be at a minimum of $1 billion in liquid cash annually till perpetuity, plus any other amount determined appropriate by InstaCab/our company, its owners, founder successors, heirs, or subsidiaries till perpetuity, at a payment date or schedule set by our company’s owners or heirs superseding what any court or jury will describe or consider as appropriate liability till perpetuity regardless of jurisdiction, authority or location.