For the security and protection of InstaCab, riders, drivers, all employees, contractors, interns and partners, InstaCab employs 24/7/365 resources and assets monitoring including but not limited to video, audio and data( all kinds) monitoring. Once in a ride, or on a drive, any individual, entity, third party, third by 6 degrees of separation who orders a ride for someone, or any individual who engages with InstaCab, its subsidiaries, or affiliated sites in any form or manner agrees to full forensic monitoring & investigations for their own personal security, safety and well being. This includes, but is not limited to computer, mobile, any form of communication , direct or indirect whiles using InstaCab, as well as any individual rider, driver or entities connected mobile or stationary network deep dives whiles using InstaCab, its affiliated sites, links or any form of contact in general. These ongoing, regular deep dives will be engage once a user, entity or third party has registered to use InstaCab. These ongoing deep dives which will cover a plethora of investigative methods and thoroughness as determined appropriate by InstaCab, superseding any court or jury’s determination of what will be considered appropriate or allowed as it pertains to the use of InstaCab.
Consent to our terms of Service & Engagement & Contact
Any user, driver, rider, person, organization (political , social, or government ) employee, contractor, business entity, third party or third party by 6 degrees of separation that engages with Instacab on purpose or not in any form or manner, through a link , app stores search (all AppStores) or web, 1)forfeits the right to bring about any kind of lawsuit, countersuit, class or single, publication of a book, a memoir, or the attempt to make public statements of any kind, or bring about any litigation matters against InstaCab, its owners, subsidiaries, heirs, or its successors of any kind, at any point, regardless of location till perpetuity. This includes forfeiting the right to publish a book, memoir, or make any public statements or bring about a lawsuit , single or class, on your behalf , by another party, court , law firm, bankruptcy agent or bankruptcy firm, power of attorney, independent legal, social , political, or government organization of any kind, and 2)you agree that our liability will be zero ($0) till perpetuity in all cases regardless of location or jurisdiction. 3) You agree that all matters will be handled internally with facilitation by InstaCabs legal team, assigned individuals or powers of attorney 4)You also agree that we (our company, its heirs, successors, subsidiaries, affiliates, protected employees, partners, and or affiliates are dismissed and barred from any obligation of appearance in court , liability, or responsibility of service of any legal documents or summons of any kind till perpetuity regardless of location or jurisdiction. 5)You agree that any deviation or lack of adherence to the terms of our Consent to our terms of Service & Engagement & Contact
warrants InstaCab, its owners, subsidiaries, heirs, and successors the freedom to immediately execute provisions of the breach of our Consent to our terms of Service & Engagement & Contact, which charges liability against you the user, entity, individual or organization (political, social, government), third party, or third party by 6 degrees of separation or both attempting to bring about a lawsuit (class or single) , counter-suit, publish a book, memoir, make public statements of any kind , against InstaCab et all, in an attempt to derail its purpose, mission, day to day operations or public reputation, with material business damages against you, any entity, or third party, or third party by 6 degrees of separation or organization of any kind political, social, or government set at a minimum of $1 billion dollars annually + any other amount till perpetuity at the time of the attempt, on a schedule determined by InstaCab et all or its legal team, without a court, jury or public spectacle, superseding any court of jury’s determination of liability or what is appropriate liability as it pertain to the use or contact with InstaCab. This consent applies in retrospect without regard for dates, location or jurisdictions.