(limitations of liability/ non-liability -Miscellaneous- regarding public claims, publications, third party publications, attempts at litigation, lawsuits & counter-lawsuits disclaimer)
Any user, person, organization employee, contractor, business entity, third party or third party by 6 degrees of separation that engages with Instacab, its affiliates or subsidiaries on purpose or not in any form or manner, through a link , app stores search (all AppStores) or web search (all search engines), through an ad banner, or social media post,
1)forfeits the right to bring about any kind of lawsuit, countersuit, or attempt to initiate proceedings for bank garnishments (or risk automatic triggering of a countersuit in the sum of the minimum liability damages set forth by InstaCab’s legal team, founder, heirs and or affiliates), publication of a book, a memoir, or the attempt to make public statements of any kind, or bring about any litigation matters against InstaCab, its owners, subsidiaries, heirs, or its successors of any kind, at any point, regardless of location till perpetuity. This includes forfeiting the right to publish a book, memoir, or make any public statements or bring about a lawsuit , single or class, on your behalf , by another party, court, government agency or organization, law firm, bankruptcy agent or bankruptcy firm, power of attorney, independent legal, social or political organization of any kind, and
1.5)By engaging or coming into contact with InstaCab, its founder, links, sites, code, scripts, servers, apps, devices, or affiliated entities, or by engaging with InstaCab, its sites, apps or links knowingly or unknowingly on purpose or not via a third party or third party by 6 degrees of separation, via any mode of communication, or internet of any kind, you acknowledge, consent, forfeit and waive your rights and protections to the provisions of what qualifies as “public domain software”, what qualifies as “fair use”, what qualifies as“creative commons” use or license , or what qualifies as “generally accepted” use as it pertains to InstaCab, its sites, apps, software, code, scripts, links, services, mode of operations, content, marketing materials, company know how’s, past, current or future agenda’s, trade secrets, research & development, and agree, consent & acknowledge that at no point can you or anyone in your network or vicinity have any app, or sites, scripts, code, with functionality, structure or marketing similar to anything we have discussed, ideated or conceptualized that belongs to InstaCab, including pricing methodologies or strategies, scripts, partnership strategies, partnership entities mentioned, links, services, mode of operations, content, marketing materials, company know how’s, past, current or future agenda’s, trade secrets, research & development, documentations, or anything that has to do with operations for InstaCab/Instacabrideshare.com, it’s founder, affiliates, subsidiaries or related entities, whether it be for a rideshare, platform or any functioning or non-functioning app in general. It is standard that any third party outside of InstaCab/Instacabrideshare.com adheres to and agrees to our terms of use, engagement, contact, and non-competes implied, whether stated or not, and agrees to bare the cost involved in any litigation matters that may arise from the deliberate intention to derail InstaCab’s mission or purpose, or disclose any info related to InstaCab/Instacabrideshare.com, its founder, affiliates, or related entities to a competing third party, or manufacture a similar product.
2)you agree that our liability will be zero ($0) till perpetuity in all attempt cases regardless of location or jurisdiction.
3) You agree that all attempt matters will be handled internally with facilitation by InstaCabs legal team, assigned individuals, subsidiary legal teams or powers of attorney.
4)You also agree that we*( anyone outside of your attempt), if you qualify as an outside entity, including but not limited to our company, its heirs, successors, subsidiaries, affiliates, protected employees, partners, anyone associated with InstaCab in anyway shape or form and or affiliates are dismissed and barred from any obligation of appearance in court , liability, or responsibility of service of any legal documents or summons of any kind till perpetuity, regardless of location, jurisdiction or authority .
5)You agree that any deviation or lack of adherence to the terms of our TERMS OF SERVICE, CONTACT & ENGAGEMENT AGREEMENT warrants InstaCab, its owners, subsidiaries, heirs, and successors the freedom to immediately execute provisions of the breach of our TERMS OF SERVICE, CONTACT & ENGAGEMENT AGREEMENT, which charges liability against you the user, entity, individual or organization (political or social), third party, or third party by 6 degrees of separation or both attempting to bring about a lawsuit , counter-suit, publish a book, memoir, make public statements of any kind , against InstaCab et all, in an attempt to derail its purpose, mission, day to day operations or public reputation, with material business damages against you, any entity, or third party, or third party by 6 degrees of separation or organization of any kind political or social, set at a minimum of $1 billion dollars annually in liquid cash + any other amount in liquid cash till perpetuity at the time of the attempt, on a schedule determined by InstaCab et all or its legal team, without a court, jury or public spectacle, superseding any court or jury’s determination of liability or what is appropriate liability. In certain circumstances, you consent and agree that InstaCab, it’s founder and related entities are allowed the right and authority to pursue the minimum liability amount of $1 billion annually till perpetuity, individually as separate entities against you and any related entities of any kind, and are entitled to any assets in your name or not, and those of any third parties by 6 degrees of separation outside of any business or partnerships. These assets may include real or physical assets, employer payments, stocks, investments, annuities, insurance, or “assets” of any kind.
Any access to InstaCab or affiliates related information or data is subject to copyrights, service rights and a terms of use, engagement & contact, non-compete and non-disclosure agreements. InstaCab , affiliates and related entities terms of use, engagement & contact, non-compete and non-disclosure agreements are till perpetuity and have no expiration dates. ALL InstaCab and related entities or subsidiaries related information and data, including but not limited to ALL content, texts, code, scripts, programs, trade secrets, operations, business models, logos, images, statement of purpose or mission, also include a 6 degrees of separation & collusion clause which can be applied in retrospect regardless of location or dates. InstaCab terms of use, engagement and contact, ndas and non-competes implies and covers a general plethora of do-not-dos regardless of if a paper is signed or not or if it’s explicitly highlighted in any agreements. If you have been involved in discussions, engaged in contact, have come into contact with InstaCab , its founder, subsidiaries, sites, apps, reviewed code, used or have been involved with InstaCab in any capacity this provision of our terms of use, engagement & contact, non-compete and non-disclosure agreements apply.
All provisions of this terms of use also applies to any previously edited content or statements, and applies till perpetuity. By engaging or coming into contact with InstaCab , its founder, links, sites, code, scripts, servers, apps, devices, or affiliated entities, or by engaging with InstaCab , its sites, apps or links knowingly or unknowingly on purpose or not via a third party or third party by 6 degrees of separation, via any mode of communication, or internet of any kind, you acknowledge, consent, forfeit and waive your rights and protections to the provisions of what qualifies as “public domain software”, what qualifies as “fair use”, what qualifies as“creative commons” use or license , or what qualifies as “generally accepted” use as it pertains to InstaCab , its sites, apps, software, code, scripts, links, services, mode of operations, content, marketing materials, company know how’s, past, current or future agenda’s, trade secrets, research & development, and agree, consent & acknowledge that at no point can you or anyone in your network or vicinity have any app, or sites, scripts, code, with functionality, structure or marketing similar to anything we have discussed, ideated or conceptualized that belongs to InstaCab , including pricing methodologies or strategies, scripts, partnership strategies, partnership entities mentioned, links, services, mode of operations, content, marketing materials, company know how’s, past, current or future agenda’s, trade secrets, research & development, documentations, or anything that has to do with operations for InstaCab , it’s founder, affiliates, subsidiaries or related entities, whether it be for a rideshare, platform or any functioning or non-functioning app in general. It is standard that any third party outside of InstaCab adheres to and agrees to our terms of use, engagement, contacts, non-competes implied, whether stated or not, and agrees to bare the cost involved in any litigation matters that may arise from the deliberate intention to derail InstaCab ’s mission or purpose, or disclose any info related to InstaCab , its founder, affiliates, or related entities to a competing third party, or manufacture a similar product.
You agree & consent that you have decided to join, or engage with InstaCab , its sites, apps, or related entities with the intended purpose of helping us further our mission of advancing & accelerating economic equity for drivers, leading the drive towards a sustainable planet, and providing excellent services and products to riders, partners, and the communities that we serve.
With all trust bestowed, you agree and consent that any* access to any InstaCab , subsidiaries, founder, or related entity information or data is subject to our TERMS OF ENGAGEMENT & CONTACT, NDA & NON-COMPETES DISCLOSURE. InstaCab ’s TERMS OF ENGAGEMENT & CONTACT, NDA & NON-COMPETES DISCLOSURE, or any related non-disclosures and non-competes are till Perpetuity and have no expiration dates. All InstaCab related information, including but not limited to content, operations, operational details, business data (includes a plethora of what is considered data in and outside of the business realm) business models, logos, statement of purpose or mission, copyrights, service marks, & trademarks , also include a 6 degrees of separation & a non-collusion clause, are till Perpetuity and have no expiration dates.
InstaCab SITES & APPS TERMS OF ENGAGEMENT & CONTACT, NDA & NON-COMPETES DISCLOSURES implies and covers a general plethora of do-not-dos regardless of if a paper is signed or not. If you have been involved in discussions, reviewed code, scripts, accessed servers, logged in to servers, worked for, engaged in communication over a computer network, internet or in person, or have been involved with InstaCab in any sort of capacity, knowingly or unknowingly, on purpose or not on purpose, this applies. At no point can you or anyone in your network or vicinity have any app, or sites, scripts, code, with functionality, structure or marketing similar to anything we have discussed, ideated or conceptualized that belongs to InstaCab , including pricing methodologies or strategies, scripts, partnership strategies, partnership entities mentioned, links, services, mode of operations, content, marketing materials, company know how’s, past, current or future agenda’s, trade secrets, research & development, documentations, or anything that has to do with operations for InstaCab , it’s founder, affiliates, subsidiaries or related entities, whether it be for a rideshare app, platform or any functioning or non-functioning app in general. It is standard that any third party outside of InstaCab , its founder or related entities adheres to and agrees to our terms of use, engagement, contact, & non-competes implied, whether stated or not, and agrees to bare the cost involved in any litigation matters that may arise from the deliberate intention to derail InstaCab ’s mission or purpose, or disclose any info related to InstaCab , its founder, affiliates, or related entities to a competing third party, news outlet, publication, journalist, or manufacture a similar product.
Although we are confident that our business relationship will be a fruitful one not only for InstaCab and its related entities, but for you and the entities that we serve, it is outlined in this agreement, that as a contractor, employee, consultant , intern, user, fleet, driver, rider, general service provider, general partner or affiliate of InstaCab , who may be asked to engage, or by way of everyday operations, engage with external partners for collaboration, contracts, deal making & service provision, you agree that at no point, if presented by unfortunate circumstances, will you go back to the same partners, stakeholders, drivers or customers, you have dealt with on behalf of InstaCab or its related entities, if or after your relationship has ended with InstaCab or its affiliated entities to inquire about, request for contracts, or engage in business dealings using or involving any ideas, concepts, strategies, processes, operational details, or any information or data employed by InstaCab to it’s and your benefit during your time.
It is standard that any third party, or third party by 6 degrees of separation, outside of or involved with InstaCab or affiliated entities adheres to and agrees to InstaCab SITES & APPS TERMS OF ENGAGEMENT & CONTACT, NDA & NON-COMPETES DISCLOSURES implied, whether stated or not, and agrees to bear the total cost involved in any litigation matters on behalf of InstaCab and its affiliated entities, forfeiting any lawsuits or countersuits, class or single that may arise from a breach of this agreement or disclosures, or the deliberate intention to derail InstaCab ’s mission, misrepresent, misdirect, delay its operations, cause any irreparable damage to its reputation as an entity, engage in the disclosure (via any medium shape or form) of any info or data related to InstaCab or its affiliated entities to another competing third party or third party by 6 degrees of separation, or to manufacture a similar product. These costs resulting from a breach of this terms of use agreement, will include but is not limited to costs for lawyer fees, travel, and any loss of business, revenue or profit costs as determined appropriate by InstaCab , its founder or affiliated & related entities. All cases of the breach of this terms of use or InstaCab SITES & APPS TERMS OF ENGAGEMENT & CONTACT, NDA & NON-COMPETES DISCLOSURES will be handled by InstaCab ’s internal legal team, and strictly internal without public involvement or creation of a spectacle.
In addition to forfeiting any countersuits, any user, visitor of our sites, or apps, driver, rider, any employee, contractor, intern, past or present consultants, entities, past or present general service providers, or partners responsible for the breach of this agreement will be liable to pay back at minimum*, all total compensation earned during their tenure, engagement or contact with InstaCab + any other amount determined by InstaCab , its affiliated entities or its founder, predecessors, and or heirs superseding whatever any court or jury will determine as appropriate , when their relationship with InstaCab has severed on a schedule determined by InstaCab or its founder, and continuing annually based on the individual(s) total compensation package + any other amount till perpetuity.
Our terms of use and InstaCab SITES & APPS TERMS OF ENGAGEMENT & CONTACT, NDA & NON-COMPETES DISCLOSURES also applies to any individual, third party or third party 6 degrees of separation that confidential information will be released to whether on purpose or not, regardless of medium or mode of any kind. In the unfortunate event that a third party or third party by 6 degrees of separation is involved in a breach or is in violation of our terms of use or InstaCab SITES & APPS TERMS OF ENGAGEMENT & CONTACT, NDA & NON-COMPETES DISCLOSURES, that party will be liable for damages totaling a minimum* of $1 billion dollars in liquid cash annually, forfeiting any lawsuits or countersuits, and superseding any court or jury determination for “liable damages” regardless of location or jurisdiction, + any other amount determined by InstaCab , its founder, affiliated entities, its predecessors and or heirs on a schedule determined by InstaCab , its founder, affiliated entities, its predecessors and or heirs and continuing annually till perpetuity with no end date. In certain circumstances, you consent and agree that InstaCab ’s, it’s founder and related entities are allowed the right and authority to pursue the minimum liability amount of $1 billion annually till perpetuity, individually as separate entities against you and any related entities of any kind, and are entitled to any assets in your name or not, and those of any third parties by 6 degrees of separation outside of any business or partnerships. These assets may include real or physical assets, employer payments, stocks, investments, annuities, insurance, or “assets” of any kind.
For the security and protection of InstaCab , all users, visitors of our sites or apps, drivers, riders, all employees, contractors, interns and partners, InstaCab , and its affiliated entities employ 24/7/365 resources, networks, internet and assets monitoring. In case of a breach of this agreement, all users, riders, drivers, visitors of our site or apps, past, present or future (knowingly or unknowingly, on purpose or not, via links or mode of communication of any kind) employees, contractors, interns and partners, or any third party who has engaged with InstaCab or its affiliated entities directly or indirectly, past, present or future, by 6 degrees of separation or by way of network or vicinity consents & agrees to full forensic investigations, including but not limited to computer, network deep dives, ISP (including phone, servers, storage, and device service providers) deep dives & subpoenas, which will cover a plethora of methods and thoroughness as determined appropriate by InstaCab , its affiliated entities, its founder, predecessors, and or heirs, superseding any court, jurisdiction or jury’s determination of what will be considered appropriate or allowed.
As an individual, user, driver, rider, employee, contractor, partner, intern, any individual or entity, third party or third party by 6 degrees of separation, journalists, historians, librarians, news outlets, publications, news companies, pr agencies, press, any public entity , political, government or non profit organizations, or any visitors of our sites or apps coming into contact or engaging with InstaCab its sites, apps or affiliated entities, its founder, or its related entities via any medium or form or mode of communication, past, present or future till perpetuity,
You consent & agree that you are restricted and barred from the following :
Participating, assisting, knowingly or unknowingly, in the usage of deep fakes, any ai , any computer generated content of any kind, or to engage in, participate in, or authorize the digging up past social media posts or communications of any kind in an attempt to derail InstaCab , its related entities or its founders, business or public purpose , cause a hit to its public reputation , cause business losses, or cause a hit to its revenue or profits.
You consent and agree to not assist with, engage in, participate in, knowingly or unknowingly, or authorize the digging up of any government, public or private court records, or any “records” of any kind in an attempt to weaken, discredit, nullify, or dismiss InstaCab , its founder or its related entities stance, consent, opinion, knowledge, or astuteness regarding matters related to its business, operations, or matters in the interest of its stakeholders, or to deliberately assassinate InstaCab , its founder, affiliated entities, protected employees, contractors, partners, and or heirs character in the public or to perpetuate a hit to its public reputation, or to derail InstaCab , its related entities or its founder’s business or public purpose, cause business losses, or cause a hit to its revenue or profits.
You agree and consent that you will not assist with, participate in, or engage with , whether knowingly or unknowingly, purposefully or not with news outlets, publications, new companies, PR agencies, journalists , public agencies , political, government or non profit organizations to bring about or make false claims or make disparaging statements, or plant or expose false facts or evidence (of any medium, form or kind), that will be deemed or may become a detriment, or cause harm to InstaCab , its founder or its related entities public reputation, derail its founder’s, related entities, partners or heirs business or public purpose , cause any business losses, or cause a hit to its revenues or profits.
As an individual, user, driver, rider, employee, contractor, partner, intern, any individual or entity, third party or third party by 6 degrees of separation, news outlets, publications, companies, pr agencies, public, political, government or non profit organizations, visitors coming into contact or engaging with InstaCab , its founder, or its related entities via any medium or form or mode of communication, past, present or future till perpetuity, you agree to the following :
You agree, consent and oblige that you are restricted and barred from any unauthorized or unsolicited activities or access on InstaCab sites, apps, links, affiliated sites, products or services.
You agree, consent and oblige that you are restricted and barred from any unauthorized account access and unauthorized transactions of any kind including but not limited to logging in, mirroring, monitoring, or tracking, whether it’d be on behalf of other users without prior consent, permission or approval from InstaCab , it’s founder or affiliated entities.
You agree, consent and oblige that you are restricted and barred from any unauthorized account access even if it’s your own personal account by provision of InstaCab , its founder or related entities if you have not received approval for such account access.
You agree, consent and oblige that you are restricted and barred from unauthorized script editing, file editing, manipulation of texts, strings, code, programs, numbers, figures, any data, meta data, old, new, past, present or future, in an attempt to derail, misguide or cause unreasonable losses, damages or harm for or to InstaCab , its founder, related entities, users, riders, drivers, protected employees, contractors, heirs, and or partners.
You agree, consent and oblige that you are restricted and barred from adding unauthorized or unsolicited content, adding unauthorized links or features, removing or editing any feature from any part or portions of any InstaCab site or apps, and you are restricted and barred from the impersonation any user, visitor of our sites or apps, rider, driver, protected employees, partners, and or contractors.
You agree, consent and oblige that you are restricted and barred from assisting with, engaging in, or participating in the practice of what will be deemed an “I beat you to it” as it pertains to InstaCab , it’s founder, or its affiliated entities copyrights, service marks or intellectual property after your contact or engagement with InstaCab , its sites, apps, links, servers, devices, business information, data, agendas, notes via any form or mode of communication, knowingly or unknowingly, or contact or engagement with InstaCab affiliated entities at any point in time, past, present or future, including but limited to attempted acts or acts of squatting, monitoring, surveilling, or mirroring in an attempt to intrude or to gain unauthorized access to InstaCab , its founder, or related entities data, meta data, servers, login information, devices, browsers, business information, strategies, marketing, content, logos, modus operandi, public or private communications without authorization, solicitation or permission.
As an individual, user, driver, rider, employee, contractor, partner, intern, any individual or entity, third party or third party by 6 degrees of separation, journalists, historians, librarians, news outlets, publications, news companies, pr agencies, press, any public entity , political, government or non profit organizations, or any visitors of our sites or apps coming into contact or engaging with InstaCab its sites, apps or affiliated entities, its founder, or its related entities via any medium or form or mode of communication, past, present or future till perpetuity,
You consent, agree, oblige, and attest that failure to adhere or oblige to these terms, provisions and restrictions will be a violation of our terms of use & InstaCab SITES & APPS TERMS OF ENGAGEMENT & CONTACT, NDA & NON-COMPETES DISCLOSURES, which warrants and executes liability damages against the liable individual or entity, a minimum* of $1 billion dollars in liquid cash annually, forfeiting any lawsuits or countersuits, and superseding any court or, jurisdiction or jury’s determination for “liable damages” regardless of location or jurisdiction, + any other amount determined by InstaCab , its founder, affiliated entities, its predecessors and or heirs on a schedule determined by InstaCab , its founder, affiliated entities, its predecessors and or heirs and continuing annually till perpetuity with no end date. In certain circumstances, you consent and agree that InstaCab , it’s founder and related entities are allowed the right and authority to pursue the minimum liability amount of $1 billion annually till perpetuity, individually as separate entities against you and any related entities of any kind or entities by 6 degrees of separation, and are entitled to any assets in your name, or not and those of any third parties by 6 degrees of separation outside of any business or partnerships. These assets may include real or physical assets, employer payments, stocks, investments, annuities, insurance, or “assets” of any kind.
As tax agents, auditors , consultants, compliance firms, officers or agents coming into contact or engaging with InstaCab its sites, apps or affiliated entities, its founder, or its related entities via any medium or form or mode of communication, past, present or future till perpetuity
You agree, consent and oblige to the following :
You are barred and restricted from, sharing or making public inaccurate, incomplete , misleading ,falsified, or make believe statements or publications, or creating errors or omissions, creating inaccurate or false scenarios, audit or compliance results or findings, in an attempt to insinuate malpractice , or non compliance , with the intent to derail, misguide the public, attempt to assassinate the character of, or cause unreasonable losses, damages or harm for or to InstaCab , its founder, related entities, stakeholders, users, riders, drivers, protected employees, contractors, heirs, and or partners till perpetuity.
You consent, agree, oblige, and attest that failure to adhere or oblige to these terms, provisions and restrictions will be a violation of our terms of use & InstaCab SITES & APPS TERMS OF ENGAGEMENT & CONTACT, NDA & NON-COMPETES DISCLOSURES, which warrants and executes liability damages against the liable individual or entity, a minimum* of $1 billion dollars in liquid cash annually, forfeiting any lawsuits or countersuits, and superseding any court or jurisdiction or jury’s determination for “liable damages” regardless of location or jurisdiction, + any other amount determined by InstaCab , its founder, affiliated entities, its predecessors and or heirs on a schedule determined by InstaCab , its founder, affiliated entities, its predecessors and or heirs and continuing annually till perpetuity with no end date. In certain circumstances, you consent and agree that InstaCab , it’s founder and related entities are allowed the right and authority to pursue the minimum liability amount of $1 billion annually till perpetuity, individually as separate entities against you and any related entities of any kind or entities by 6 degrees of separation, and are entitled to any assets in your name, or not and those of any third parties by 6 degrees of separation outside of any business or partnerships. These assets may include real or physical assets, employer payments, stocks, investments, annuities, insurance, or “assets” of any kind.
If you qualify as a partner, affiliate, employee or service provider of any kind, including email, servers, internet, network , and device providers doing business of any kind with InstaCab currently, or has done business with InstaCab at any point in the past, or are coming into contact or engaging with InstaCab it’s sites, apps, links or affiliated entities, its founder, or its related entities via any medium or form or mode of communication, past, present or future till perpetuity,
You agree, consent and oblige to the following :
You are barred and restricted from, whether intentionally or not, from exploiting the trust of service provision or customer/ client service provider relationship including but not limited to, creating fictitious downtimes, errors or omissions, false or unauthorized transactions, unauthorized blocking, or redirecting, artificially limiting storage, usage, accessibility, visibility, performance or capacity of any kind of any InstaCab apps, sites links, affiliate sites, apps, links or artificially inflating the visibility or discoverability of already existing sites or apps, whether similar or not to any InstaCab sites, apps or links or affiliated sites or links, in an attempt to derail InstaCab , misguide public opinion, assassinate the character of, or cause unreasonable losses, damages or harm for or to InstaCab , its founder, related entities, users, riders, drivers, protected employees, contractors, heirs, and or partners, or limit its user base, whether intentionally or not, or cause a hit to its revenues, or profits, or prevent InstaCab from providing quality profitable services to its users, clients or vendor base,
UNLESS by merit, customer, vendor or consumer choice, or in a scenario where visibility or discoverability was paid for, without conflict of interest or collusion or by the structure/design or what can be described as “way of working or “that’s what you get for what you pay for” across the board for all existing advertising & promotion programs, living no room for doubt of wrong doing.
As an individual, user, driver, rider, employee, contractor, partner, intern, any individual or entity, third party or third party by 6 degrees of separation, journalists, historians, librarians, news outlets, publications, news companies, pr agencies, press, any public entity , political, government or non profit organizations, tax agents, auditors , consultants, compliance firms, officers or agents or any visitors of our sites or apps coming into contact or engaging with InstaCab its sites, apps or affiliated entities, its founder, or its related entities via any medium or form or mode of communication, past, present or future till perpetuity,
You agree, consent and oblige that you are restricted and barred from, reporting, publishing, investigating, leaking, or exposing any InstaCab, its founder, apps, sites or links or affiliated entities, partners, employees, interns, and or contractors, financial or personal financial data or information when that data or information is considered private, whether or not InstaCab is a public or private company, unless in a situation when that information or data has been provided publicly or is already available publicly as it relates to InstaCab, its founder, or affiliated entities obligation to make that information public as a regulatory requirement, with all exercised limitations. In most cases, InstaCab, its founder, its affiliated entities, committed to its fiduciary, regulatory and compliance duties will be the first to report this information without the need for an outside entity to report on, or publish this information without solicitation, authorization or permission.
You agree, consent and oblige that, any information or data you report on, or publish, or make available via any medium or mode of communication or broadcast, is strictly limited to what is already available publicly as it pertains to InstaCab, its apps, affiliates, its founder, employees, contractors, interns and or partners financial data. You agree, consent and oblige that at no point will you report on, or attempt to report on, or solicit from a third party or third party by 6 degrees of separation, publish, or make available via any any medium or mode including but not limited to via internet searches, wikipedia pages, internet service providers or hosts pages, or forums, or publications, or social media platforms of any kind , any other data besides already publicly available InstaCab, it’s founder, apps, affiliated entities, employees, contractors , interns or partners financial data.
You agree, consent and oblige that, you shall not at any point insinuate, stir up, or bring about any rumors, gossip, stories or content , or conjure up any reports or mentions, fake news, white lies, fictional, orchestrated stories, or hearsays of any kind, or solicit these kinds of data or information from any third parties or third party’s by 6 degrees of separation regarding InstaCab, its app, its founder, affiliated entities, protected employees, contractors or interns financial data in an attempt to influence public or private shareholder’s or stakeholders opinion to the detriment of InstaCab, its app, founder’s, affiliated entities, protected employees, contractors stock, business or overall financial performance.
You consent, agree, oblige, and attest that failure to adhere or oblige to these terms, provisions and restrictions will be a violation of our terms of use & InstaCab SITES & APPS TERMS OF ENGAGEMENT & CONTACT, NDA & NON-COMPETES DISCLOSURES, which warrants and executes liability damages against the liable individual or entity, a minimum* of $1 billion dollars in liquid cash annually, forfeiting any lawsuits or countersuits, and superseding any court or jurisdiction or jury’s determination for “liable damages” regardless of location or jurisdiction, + any other amount determined by InstaCab , its founder, affiliated entities, its predecessors and or heirs on a schedule determined by InstaCab , its founder, affiliated entities, its predecessors and or heirs and continuing annually till perpetuity with no end date. In certain circumstances, you consent and agree that InstaCab , it’s founder and related entities are allowed the right and authority to pursue the minimum liability amount of $1 billion annually till perpetuity, individually as separate entities against you and any related entities of any kind or entities by 6 degrees of separation, and are entitled to any assets in your name, or not and those of any third parties by 6 degrees of separation outside of any business or partnerships. These assets may include real or physical assets, employer payments, stocks, investments, annuities, insurance, or “assets” of any kind.
All provisions of this agreement also apply to any previously edited, updated, changed statements, privacy policies, terms of use, business models, marketing information, terms of use & InstaCab SITES & APPS TERMS OF ENGAGEMENT & CONTACT, NDA & NON-COMPETES DISCLOSURES details, and apply in retrospect without regard for dates, jury, or jurisdiction determination, and it is enforceable by InstaCab , its appointed legal team or power of attorney, its founder, predecessors, and or heirs, and upheld by US constitutional laws. You agree, consent and attest that you agree and oblige by these terms of use & InstaCab SITES & APPS TERMS OF ENGAGEMENT & CONTACT, NDA & NON-COMPETES DISCLOSURES whether a formal form or paper was signed or not, provisioned by our terms of use & InstaCab SITES & APPS TERMS OF ENGAGEMENT & CONTACT, NDA & NON-COMPETES DISCLOSURES, under no duress, coercion, or negative influence of any kind.