Handling data
Instacab’s Terms of use, contact & engagement, NDA and non-compete provisions applies to all third party (or party of a third party or third party of a third party by 6 degrees of separation, including network, storage, internet service or communication service provider(s)
In the event that a mishandling, exposure, unauthorized access, or attempt of unauthorized access of InstaCab data (which includes a plethora of what is considered data, including but not limited to user info, code, scripts, business operating information, operational details, service details, marketing materials or details, servers, server details, or storage, storage details , content, site details, or private links , metadata etc is investigated to be the fault, action or result of a third party or third party by 6 degrees of separation , host, storage, internet service, device or network provider, via a bad actors access to or use of said internet service or network provider to gain access to unauthorized InstaCab data of all kinds, InstaCab reserves the right to pursue litigation and execute provisions of the breach of its terms of use, engagement & contact, NDA and non-compete agreements to the fullest extent, superseding what any court, authority or jury will consider appropriate against that third party as well as the bad actors, ISPs (internet, device, communication networks service providers, as such) and any entity that they have any remote association with, including but not limited to their place of employment, partnerships in business, or any sole proprietorships, or any business relationships falling under our 6 degrees of separation clause.
The event of a breach or mishandling of InstaCab, its founder or affiliate data also automatically grants InstaCab, its founder & affiliates the rights, authority, and warrants consent from the liable individual, third party, or third party associates including current or former employers, partnerships in business, sole proprietorships, or any business relationship for full forensic investigations which includes a variety of methods employed by InstaCab on a schedule determined by InstaCab, its founder, affiliates or heirs, superseding what any court, jury or jurisdiction will consider as appropriate against all liable parties.
In the event of a breach of the provisions of these terms of use, engagement, contact and non-compete as it pertains to unauthorized access to InstaCab, its subsidiaries or affiliated data, the amount to be pursued as liability, as determined by instaCab’s founder, owners, or legal team, its successors, predecessors or heirs against the liable party, individual, third party, or third party by 6 degrees of separation, including ISPs will be a minimum of $1 billion dollars annually till perpetuity + any other amounts starting on a date and schedule determined by InstaCab’s founder, owners or legal team, its successors, predecessors, heirs, foundation, trust or a designated power of attorney appointed by InstaCab’s founder, owner or legal team, superseding any jurisdiction’s, authority , jury or courts determination of what an appropriate liability should be.
For the protection of our users, affiliates, protected employees, interns, partners or contractors, InstaCab employs 24/7/365 Networks, server, sites, applications and resource access scanning, tracking, tracing, reverse tracing, 6 degrees of separation tracking & tracing, works with law enforcement & keeps an ongoing log of all incoming & outgoing traffic via , tcp, smtp, facsimile, devices, ips, and all connections of any kind or medium from all users or visitors , and employs these methods in a retrospective manner when necessary.
In the event that InstaCab conducts a retrospective investigation utilizing these methods, due to an incident or unauthorized access from a bad actor utilizing a third party service, network, server, or communication device of any kind or medium, that third party, party of the third party or third party by 6 degrees of separation willingly grants InstaCab, its founder, subsidiaries and affiliated entities, the right and consent to execute provisions of the breach of its Third Party Service Provider, including ISPs (internet service, device & network providers) Terms of use, contact & Engagement, NDA and non-compete provisions disclaimers, which includes but is not limited to liability damages of $1 billion in liquid cash annually till perpetuity, plus any other amount determined by InstaCab, its founder, affiliated entities and or heirs, against the liable individual, third party, or third party by 6 degrees of separation, on a schedule determined by InstaCab, its founder, affiliate entities and or heirs till perpetuity superseding what any court, jury or jurisdiction will determine as appropriate liability against the liable party. In such cases, InstaCab’s affiliated entities may pursue the minimum amount plus any other amounts individually against the liable individual, party or third party by 6 degrees of separation.
Data transmission
For the protection of our users, affiliates, protected employees, interns, partners, & contractors, InstaCab employs mechanisms to monitor devices & reveal the physical address and identity information of a bad actor via tcp, smtp, or ip, or any other communication or data transfer or connection protocol, when they are attempting to connect or log in to a InstaCab network or gain access to a InstaCab server, site, application, content, or device they are not authorized to even when they are using a vpn to InstaCab, its founder, affiliates and authorities.
Normally, any user or entity attempting to connect to or engage with InstaCab, its affiliated sites or subsidiaries in anyway shape form or medium, automatically warrants and consents InstaCab, its affiliates and subsidiaries to deploy these security mechanisms, operating under the impression that our users have no intention of malice, and that they are using InstaCab, its related sites or applications for their benefit and bestowing trust in us for their security & protection.
VPNs or similar local access or private network service, tool or device providers.
In the event that a mishandling, exposure, or unauthorized access, or attempt of unauthorized access of InstaCab data, is investigated to be a bad actor(s) or bad entities use of third party VPNs or similar local access or private network service, tool or devicesthat third party VPN, network, devices, or access provider, company or entity, including its affiliated company and or subsidiaries will bear the responsibility, liability and total cost of damages as a result of the mishandling, exposure, unauthorized access, or attempt of unauthorized access of InstaCab, its founder, subsidiaries or affiliated entity data. Damages in such cases, as a violation of our Terms of use, contact & Engagement, NDA and non-compete provisions disclaimers, includes but is not limited to liability damages of $1 billion in liquid cash annually till perpetuity, plus any other amount determined by InstaCab, its founder, affiliated entities and or heirs, against the liable individual, third party, or third party by 6 degrees of separation, on a schedule determined by InstaCab, its founder, affiliate entities and or heirs till perpetuity superseding what any court, jury or jurisdiction will determine as appropriate liability against the liable party or liable third parties. In such cases, InstaCab’s affiliated entities may pursue the minimum amount plus any other amounts individually against the liable individual, party or third party by 6 degrees of separation.